Dream World

So, I am currently reading this book called, The Black Girl's Guide to Financial Freedom, by Paris Woods (don't worry, the book review is to come very soon), and her chapter Dream, start's off the introduction by asking her readers a very important question: What would you didn't have to work for money? Now, I'm sure that we have all been asked this at least once in our life, and I'm sure that we all have an instinctual answer to what the response would be. 

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Poem: Cheers

Love. Such a beautiful, yet terrifying concept. But what exactly is love? How do we define it? How do we find it? How do we know what's the right love, or the wrong love? 

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Love and Basketball

I went to my son's first basketball game, and let me just say that my son is absolutely amazing. I don't know if he is a child prodigy or anything because I don't know too much about basketball. But I will say that in the eyes of his mother, he is a pure star. He does a great job at making shots. He actually reminds me of myself back when I was a kid. 

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Vegas 2025: A Reawakened Love

Last week, my skating family and I traveled to Las Vegas for my first skate excursion. I must admit that in the weeks leading up to the trip, I was not looking forward to it and was very anxious. Travel can be naturally stressful. Well, at least for me it is. I'm not a fan of group excursions, as there are too many personalities trying to come together as one, which isn't always successful. You embark on a trip with a planned spending budget, but of course, you always exceed it. When the journey entails air travel, that adds to the anxiety. Although all of these stresses were on my mind leading up to the travel, that's not what made me the most anxious. What I found to be the most nerve-wrecking for me was the fact that I was going on the trip for the skate party. 

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Poem: I Set Me Free

When I first finished this poem, I told my self that I would never share it with others because it's too personal. Those that know me know that I do not like to harbors on my shortcomings or setbacks. I try to have a positive mindset because life is too cruel to let yourself get buried in pain, for pain can become addicting if you get too used to the feeling. Now, pain is not a bad thing. It allows us to know what joy is and It's needed in order to build character. As you mature, you learn the importance of duality. You learn how to ride out the highs and lows. The trick is to do it as you see fit. Not others.

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A New Beginning

This isn’t my first blog post. This is something more.  This is my first ode to ownership and accountability. I started a blog before, but with my friend. And that blog was great! It was creative and thought provoking. But what others don’t know was that it was also hid within those words were fear. A fear to fully express myself and claim my words. What my viewers read were stories that lacked conviction. A partial truth. Not the Authentic truth. 

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